
Shoes course at Ruby learning

No post for the GUI toolkit extravaganza this time since I've been having some problems getting wxRuby to run properly. But this posting is related since we will deal with Shoes in one of the upcoming posts in the GUI toolkit extravaganza. So I just wanted to let you know I rolled in to the Shoes online course at rubylearning.org. It's a paid course, the cost is 5$ which is not much money. Why, the author of Shoes, seems to be happy about this course so I thought I'd give it a try. Anyway, the POIRPWSC101 course starts at 13 December and ends at 26 Dec 2008. This is a nice short time, so I should be able to keep focus :)

Some while back I tried to follow the Free Online Core Ruby Programming Course (FORPC101), it was good but I did not manage to keep up due to poor planning on my side. It seems that since this time they are providing a few more interesting courses including the following:

POIRPWSC101 - Paid Online Ruby with Shoes Programming Course
POIRPWDC101 - Paid Online FXRuby and MySQL Programming Course

If the Shoes fit, I think I'll sign up for the FXRuby and MySQL course as well. But it depends a little on my private and professional schedules. Oh and offcourse I'll write about my experiences on this Ruby class on this blog as well. If you are interested in taking a free, or almost free course on Ruby take a look at Rubylearning.

1 comment:

ashbb said...

Welcome to Shoes course and RubyLearning community!

Let's enjoy Ruby and Shoes programming. :)
